Aug 11, 2009

Love...Sex...and Drugs......

Girl loves boy... boys loves another girl... another boy likes girl... and girl cant be with the like boy coz she cant get over love boy... and the cirlce continue... why is sex important? why do people result to casual sex to get over the love boy so they can love like boy?? is this why people turn to ponography?? drugs?? lesbain and gay?? who do we blame?? does the circle stop?? or does the circle became more complicated and just continue??

Why do these thing have to be so complicate?? why should it matter if ur a virgin or not?? why should it be more about love than sex or sex than love?? why should we turn to drugs for help in desperate times?? and why shouldnt ponography be watched to help others relax if it does??

falling inlove is the best feeling in the world, feels like your in heaven and yet falling out of it hurts like a hell... sex when casual is just sex, when feelings involved its the damn worst thing ever, but what we forget is that at the end of the day... sex is just sex. Drugs just aint me, people kip saying life is short and make most of it, live with no regrets but maybe how we sometimes live it is what makes it so damn short... so despite avoiding regrets and livin it to the maximum live it safe and long, to enjoy more out of life coz i believe everyday it has something new to offer. Aint nothing wrong with ponography... maybe doing it but then we woudnt be able to watch it if no1 did it so no judgment there... just make sure you watch or do it in your own private time and space but i do thing ponography spices up the sex... few people can learn few things outta them... just like how you see them strippers doing there things at the pole and you wonder why the hell does your husband/boyfriend spend more time at the strip club the home...heheheh seriously, do you need to ask yourself that?? maybe that would be the time for you to fix your own pole in your bedroom and get them classes or watch them ponos and see how he shall be spending his time hehehehe

Lesbians and gay.. i dont hate them, i dont despise them... there life, they can live however they want, they stil just normal people like us, most of them lost in this terrible world and some of thm just experimentaring and looking for choices... you hating them is already a sin... judgment day comes, everybody carrys there own cross! so instead of worrying about them spoiling the beautiful world for you, worry about how your spoiling the beautiful world for yourself... Friendship is all about honesty, too many cliques these days u dont even know who your real friends are, you dont know who to trust but you just smile and keep being honest, when you have that friendship, that strong friendship rare people have them dont lose it over anything especially pride, coz once you lose a friends trust... its hard to get it back!
By paula mulamula

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